Business Service units are committed to continuous improvement to help enable the university's success by providing high-quality resources and excellent services in an efficient manner.

100% of projects

25+ projects
2024 efficiencies
2024 efficiencies
Project | Date completed | Department | Summary |
Data Warehouse | December 2024 | Cambus | Implemented TransTrack software for consolidation and data warehousing of all compliance and regulatory required data for Federal reporting. |
Surplus Process | November 2024 | Surplus | Reviewed previous maps and updated process map to match current state to support training, standardization, auditing, and future changes. |
Business Continuity Planning - General Stores | October 2024 | GS | Developed a comprehensive disaster plan outlining how to handle and recover operations from any type of disaster, internal or external to minimize downtime and disruption to the University of Iowa’s business operations. |
Standard Work Documentation | July 2024 | P&T | Updating of Snow removal requirements, documents, and maps for P&T, vendors, and campus to support future vendors and snow emergencies. |
DLRS Process Map | November 2024 | RM | Developed current state map of the Driver License Review System (DLRS) process for Risk management and Campus. Detailed suggested process and application changes in support of upcoming IT updates for the DLRS application. |
Standard Work Documentation | January 2024 | AP | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function related to the data entry of Invoices process to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Metric Review | March 2024 | AP | Review, analysis, and adjustments to the key metrics for the processing of Invoices for future state planning. |
Compliance Automation | November 2024 | Business Services | Implemented the Compliance and Qualification automation tracking program for all of Business Services departments and staff. This automatically, tracks, notifies, and schedules required trainings. |
Supply Chain | December 2024 | UI | Review of current and desired future state of an improved process for management of all Campus and UIHC purchased goods and services to stream line the AP, Purchasing, USS, BI-data, Materials Management and Supply Chain interactions and communications with each other and campus. |
Dry Ice Process | November 2024 | GS | Implemented campus self ordering of dry ice from Preqs and standardization of product to reduce lead times, material costs, and order changes. |
HDD Shredding Standardization | December 2024 | Surplus | Standard method to submit, track, and document shredding of drives for campus and UIHC. |
Cambus Benefits Review | February 2024 | Cambus | Reviewed benefits and shortfalls of Cambus compared to other regional transportation agencies. |
Prepaid Process Improvement | January 2024 | Controller | Implemented a standard accounting BI-web tool for management, tracking, and completion of PrePaid invoices for the UI and UIHC. This automation software allowed campus to standardize and automate most of the PrePaid process. |
SPS | July 2024 | Surplus | Application rollout for automation of Surplus processes and integrations with campus and supplier applications and DBs. |
2023 efficiencies
2023 efficiencies
Project | Date completed | Department | Summary |
Standard work Documentation | November 2023 | P&T Customer Service - Supervisor | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function related an upcoming new role within Parking and Transportation’s Customer Service department to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance. |
Service Replacement | October 2023 | P&T Cambus | Replacement of low ridership timer periods and fixed-routes with an On-Demand service replacing HD buses with minibuses improving service offering, reducing costs, eliminating CDL requirements on these routes. |
Dry Ice Process | October 2023 | General Stores | Reviewed current state and developed a future state road map for managing dry ice for campus to improve costs, reduce lead times, and reduce product lose. |
Standard Work Documentation | September 2023 | P&T Maintenance | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for the Snow Removal process and locations for campus before, during, and after snow falls for both internal staff and external vendors. This documentation is used to provide a safe and consistent snow removal process for campus and to assist in future RFPs. |
Employee Task Reviews | July 2023 | UI Parking | Completed a comprehensive review of tasks and efforts performed by staff. This data is used to rebalance workloads and assignments. |
Standard work Documentation | June 2023 | Business Services Accounting | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function within half of the Business Services Accounting department to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance. |
Package and Mail Delivery Process | May 2023 | Central Delivery / Campus mail | Review and mapping of current, ideal, and future state processes and implementation of process changes to simplify and standardize the delivery of packages and mail to campus by both departments. These changes allowed for better cross training, standard receiving methods by customers, and better package tracking for campus. |
Business Continuity Planning - Cambus | April 2023 | Parking and Transportation | Developed a comprehensive disaster plan outlining how to handle and recover operations from any type of disaster, internal or external to minimize downtime and disruption to the University of Iowa’s bus operations. |
Efficiency - Cambus | March 2023 | Purchasing | Parking and Transportation |
Business Continuity Planning – Fleet Services | March 2023 | Parking and Transportation | Developed a comprehensive disaster plan outlining how to handle and recover operations from any type of disaster, internal or external to minimize downtime and disruption to the University of Iowa’s Fleet Services operations. |
2022 efficiencies
2022 efficiencies
Project | Date completed | Department | Summary |
Business Continuity Planning - Parking | December 2022 | Parking and Transportation | Developed a comprehensive disaster plan outlining how to handle and recover operations from any type of disaster, internal or external to minimize downtime and disruption to the University of Iowa’s Parking facilities. |
Paperless Forms | November 2022 | Risk Management | Created and implemented an Online Vehicle Accident Reporting tool in that allows for reduced expenses and processing time of vehicle accident claims compared to the prior system of mailing paper forms. |
Standard Work Documentation | November 2022 | Purchasing | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function related to the annual 1099 tax process to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. This data also allowed for the analysis of resource level requirements. |
Lot Counts Review | October 2022 | Parking and Transportation | Conducted field data analysis and review of the manual lot count procedure and the automated LPR system’s Lot Count feature. Corrected various configurations affecting system reporting and data analysis. This process review opened options for future automation. |
Standard Work Documentation | September 2022 | Bulk Mail | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function within Bulk Mail on how bulk mail and special mailing campaigns for campus are processed and paid for, this acts as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Prepaid Process Improvement | September 2022 | Financial Reporting and UIHC Accounting | Review and mapping of current, ideal, and future state processes and implementation of process changes to simplify and standardize the PrePaid Process for the UI and UIHC. These changes allowed both financial offices to standardize on a single process allowing for the development of automation software and reporting for campus. |
ITS – Physical Infrastructure PI | May 2022 | ITS | Consultation with the ITS-PI group on a Process Improvement of their operational processes to increase efficiencies within the department and between their various groups within the department. |
Standard Work Documentation | May 2022 | Parking and Transportation | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function including the LPR system within Field Services to support new staff, rotating student staff, and to ensure standardization of processes. |
Process Improvement | May 2022 | Accounts Payable | Developed future state processes for campus Match Exceptions in Accounts Payable and implementation of process changes and system improvements to reduce time to complete and resource requirements |
Standard Work Documentation | April 2022 | Accounting & General Stores | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for managing PeopleSoft Items and attributes for Business Services Accounting department, this acts as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff in Accounting and General Stores. |
On-Demand Scheduling | March 2022 | Cambus | On-Demand and Paratransit scheduling software and rider app implementation to increase customer satisfaction and ease of use, while reducing Cambus staff efforts. |
GS/Mail Product Delivery Processing | February 2022 | General Stores & Campus Mail | Standardization of product delivery processes for General Stores, Central Delivery, and Campus Mail departments, this enabled the standardization of delivery locations, and tracking of campus deliveries to improve customer experiences and expectations on all campus deliveries. |
Previous list of efficiencies | 2019 - 2021
Previous list of efficiencies | 2019 - 2021
Project | Date completed | Department | Summary |
Risk Adjustment | 2021 | Risk Management | Review of UI insurance portfolio to right-size the total insurance coverage for Flood coverage to reduce the university's costs without loss of coverage. |
Standard Work Documentation | December 2021 | UIHC & Business Services | Review and mapping of current and desired states for the new CMS Regulations on vaccines and their exemptions. This produced a cohesive path for operations to follow. |
Standard Work Documentation | December 2021 | Accounts Payable | Reviewed and developed processes and standard work for the management of Match Exceptions, allowing for complete and accurate training material for employees, and the required information to automate the process for campus. |
Standard Work Documentation | November 2021 | Purchasing | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and function for the Purchasing Vendor File Team to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff and to analyze resource level requirements. |
Compliance and Qualifications | November 2021 | F&O - Human Resources | Review of F&O training requirements and implementation of the Compliance and Qualifications tracking system to automate the tracking and notifications of required staff training. |
Purchasing and PVI Contracts Process | October 2021 | Purchasing | Review, simplify, and communicate the process of managing purchasing agreements for the UI Hospital between the UI Purchasing group and UIHC PVI. |
Electronic Invoice Processing | October 2021 | Accounts Payable | Implementation of electronic data interchange (EDI) with suppliers that reduces manual invoice processing. |
Paper Invoice Processing | October 2021 | Accounts Payable | Automation of invoice entry using intelligent character recognition (ICR) technology that reduces manual invoice processing. |
Paper Invoice Processing | October 2021 | Accounts Payable | Automation of invoice entry using intelligent character recognition (ICR) technology that reduces manual invoice processing. |
Rental Vehicle Kiosk | July 2021 | Fleet Services | Opened a rental fleet kiosk on west campus to allow for unattended pick-up and return of University Rental Vehicles 24/7, reducing customer time spent to pick up and drop off rentals, increasing the hour’s rentals can be picked up and dropped off, and reducing staff time of management of rentals. |
Standard Work Documentation | June 2021 | Campus Mail | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function within the Campus Mail on how external mail is processed and paid for, this acts as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Standard Work Documentation | June 2021 | Accounting | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for how Accounting bills for each type of Printing Project for the Copy Center, to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Vehicle Lease Paper Elimination | March 2021 | Fleet Services | Elimination of paper correspondence and documentation in the leasing, renewals, and replacement of vehicles for all of campus. |
Driver Training | January 2021 | Fleet Services | Eliminate usage of paper, implement universal workflow, and integrate with third party training courses to automate the management of driving courses for campus. |
Risk Adjustment | 2020 | Risk Management | Review of UI insurance portfolio to right-size the total insurance coverage for Fine Art coverage to reduce the university's costs without loss of coverage. |
Risk Adjustment | 2020 | Risk Management | Review of UI insurance portfolio to right-size the total insurance coverage for Crime coverage to reduce the university's costs without loss of coverage. |
Data Mapping | October 2020 | Parking and Transportation | Review of all locations and methods for storing of data and business-related documents within the P&T department. To ensure data and business continuity. |
Master Plan | September 2020 | Parking and Transportation | Development of a comprehensive master plan to guide future decisions for the department so as to deliver the right services at the right costs to the university. |
Standard Work Documentation | July 2020 | Printing Services | Develop detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function within the Copy Center to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Staff Backups | June 2020 | Business Services | Created a contingency plan for Business Services and leadership to ensure continue operation in the absence of key staff members across units. |
Disaster Plan | May 2020 | Laundry Services | Developed a comprehensive disaster plan outlining how to handle and recover operations from any type of disaster, internal or external to minimize downtime and disruption to the University of Iowa's Hospital and Clinics. |
Standard Work Documentation | April 2020 | Laundry Services | Developed detailed Standard Work documentation for each task and job function within Laundry Services to act as a training aid and to ensure standardization of task performance between staff. |
Ticket Auditing | March 2020 | Parking and Transportation | Simplification of handling parking passes and cash for parking facilities on campus that increases employee safety and reduces manual labor. |
Department Business Placards | February 2020 | Parking and Transportation | Reduced distribution of unused parking placards on campus that reduced labor on managing unused permits and free up more permits for other services. |
Identity Data Warehouse Rewrite | January 2020 | Parking and Transportation | Rewrite of parking permit authorization rules for campus to reduce labor and to automate permit assignment for campus. |
Pharmaceutical Invoice Processing | January 2020 | Accounts Payable | Eliminated manual processing of pharmaceutical invoices from the university's largest supplier that reduces manual labor, increases accuracy, and shortens lead times. |
Risk Adjustment | 2019 | Risk Management | Review of UI insurance portfolio to right-size the total insurance coverage for Aviation coverage to reduce the university's costs without loss of coverage. |
Hiring Process | November 2019 | Cambus | Review, mapping, and standardizing the hiring process within Cambus and the University in relations to Driver License Reviews, background checks, and Drug and Alcohol testing. The robust Cambus processes were adopted by the greater University. |
Medical Permits | September 2019 | Parking and Transportation | Review and reoffering of special medical parking permits for campus to follow state ADA placard distribution process versus our own internal process, this reduced parking fraud and management labor. |
Boarding Data | October 2019 | Cambus | Development of a database, dashboard, and metrics for Cambus ridership volume and trends to allow for quick determination of the best adjustments to Cambus services to utilize buses and drivers in the most efficient manner to meet customer needs. |
Vehicle Accident Report Process | June 2019 | Risk Management | Review and mapping of the Vehicle Accident Report process for the university. This will enable the university to utilize a paperless process for reporting vehicle accidents and to update their driving policies to match. |